Demi Cinta

Movie ni memang tak pernah langsung ada dalam list aku. Bukan taste aku movie3 mcm ni. Even tahu nih mamat khalid punya piece, takde aura datang memanggil untuk tengok.

Semalam pergi pergi Mid Valley, nak terminate account broadband and makan kat belanga je, ended up spent 2 hours tgok movie rock oo.. Dari rumah lagi laki aku duk melobi aku suh tgok citer nih. Penat ku tepis, tapi demi cinta..terpaksa akur..puiii!

Citer ok. Lawak. Cuma tak extreme je lah kan...que tuh pandai betul berlakon...tapi nampak mcm pompuan pulak dia dalam movie tuh. Jambu sangat!

Khir rahman pun ok! Aku suka time scene dia marah brother burger tuh..nak tahu cmne kene lah tengok kan? Baca kat sini dengan tengok dengan mata sendiri feel dia lain senah!

Tak reti nak komen banyak. Aku rate this movie 3 lah out of 5. Tak payah pakai heroin seksi-seksi nampak tetek, artis muka jambu2 sangat, the story itself kalau mmg dah bagus memang boleh jual punya!

Don't be afraid...Voice Out!

Have you ever been in the situation where it is hard to say NO? No matter how much you hate that thing, but you can't say no. Put it the situation between you and your boss as an example. Sometimes, you feel like your boss is wrong, and you don't agree with her/him, but your mouth can never says No. Why?? 

Same goes here. Masa 1st-2nd year masuk keje dulu, aku selalu trapped in that kind of situation. Macam orang bodoh. I say Yes almost to everything she said. YES to ridiculous dateline, YES to stay back almost everyday.,YES to weekend works, Yes to buy her food. YES to everything. Yeah..I was the ugly Betty!

Masuk 3rd year, aku start rase ade "burden" on my shoulder. Rase kerja sangat membebankan. When it comes to Monday, rasa tak sedap badan. Rasa nak demam. The same feelings masa mak nak antar masuk asrama dulu-dulu. Serba tak kena! Tidur malam pun asek tak lena. Fikir masalah kerja, and rasa benci kat boss. Mula lah start fikir nak cari kerja lain, berhenti kerja lah and etc.

Then, aku terfikir. Kenapa pulak aku yang nak kena bersusah hati? Padahal aku suka kerja aku, and tak ada masalah dengan kerja aku. Aku ada masalah dengan diri aku sendiri! Susah nak cakap NO. Realizing my weaknesses, aku start make a change. Every request yang datang, aku tapis dulu. Mana yang aku rasa suka and boleh buat, I'll definitely say YES. Untuk yang aku tak berkenan and rasa membebankan. I'll go for BIG NO!

Yup, once kau buat that decision, people will start talking. "Oh...that's her true colour, She's so rude.She's too loud.She has no respect and etc". I received a lot of that kind of comments. Especially from those yang selama nih fikir kau "makanan" dia. Boleh kitai-kitai suruh buat itu ini. That's the negative side, which I don't really care actually! Hahaha. As long as I found my peace of mind. Tak kesah lah kau nak cakap ape senah..

Hidup jadi lebih mudah. Kau tak rase terbeban dengan benda-benda yang tak sepatutnya. Everything goes well. And aku sangat happy. Kita semua ade capability and ability sendiri. Apa yang aku boleh buat, tak semestinya kau pun boleh, and vice versa. Maybe boleh, but then nobody can expects the method and outcome will be the same. Itu lah sebabnya nama aku and kau lain. Kita kan berbeza!

It has been almost 4 years of working. Met a lot of people, with different characters. From my observation, aku perasan kita yang Melayu nih (including me of course), sometimes terlalu reserve. Takut sangat nak voice out ape yang kita rasa, pendapat kita and etc. Takut nampak bodoh, kurang ajar, and poyo.Aku kalau meeting dengan mat-mat saleh tuh pun, kadang-kadang rase ape yang diorg throw up mcm tak relevan, sangat basic and like "laa...ini pun tak tahu ke?"..Tapi diorang tak pernah kesah. Diorang just voice out ape yang ade dalam fikiran diorang. And most of the time, nobody get kill pon by doing that. So? what are we afraid of?

I'm writing this because ada one of my friend kat office yang being bullied by her boss for such a long time. And she did nothing to defend herself. Oh my! Macam mana dia boleh hidup macam tuh? Apa yang dia buat is just complaining and gossiping about it among her friends. Does it change anything? No dear!

Stand on your own feet, confront that other party, and voice out what do you feel!  It will make you feel better! Try it..No harm of trying.